Fuel Zone Lunch information from Cordia
· “Fuel Zone is the catering service provided in all Glasgow primary and secondary schools. The service is provided by Cordia who are part of Glasgow City Council. We offer a great value service where children can enjoy a tasty and healthy lunch in our vibrant dining areas.
· We offer a choice of three options each day and menus run on a three weekly cycle, allowing children to experience a variety of meals. We can also cater to specific dietary requirements including Halal, vegetarian and special medical diets.
· All Primary1-4 children can enjoy a free lunch , while primaries 4-7 can receive a three course meal with a drink for only £1.90.
· Throughout the year the Fuel Zones are transformed for fun theme days celebrating different events in the calendar. Popular theme days include the annual Burns Supper and international theme days which provide an educational and enjoyable experience to children.
· We hope your children join us in the Fuel Zone for a fun and healthy lunchtime.
· For more information including full menus, join us online at www.fuelzoneprimary.co.uk and follow us on Twitter :@FuelZoneGlasgow. Or watch the video “Who we are and what we do” at www.cordia.co.uk/About-Us.”
If your child has food allergies please ensure you inform the school who will link with the Cordia Catring Manager to ensure their dietry requirements are met.