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Term 4 home learning grids

Home Learning update:

Your child's weekly Home Learning grids are now available on the Seesaw app! Each Monday, class teachers will submit a weekly learning grid with a variety of activities for your child to complete. Remember this is only a guide and your child is encouraged to do what they can, when they can. There are still further opportunities for learning within Nurture, EAL, Support and Challenge on Seesaw too. The Senior Leadership Team and class teachers will oversee any work submitted on Seesaw and offer comments and feedback on your child's learning.

Remember you can still send us photographs of your fantastic learning on our school Twitter page using the Twitter handle @ThornwoodPri.

If you have any further questions or suggestions please don't hesitate to get in touch via social media or the Head Teacher's email address


Primary 1

P1 Week 1 27.4.20 yes

P1 Week 2 4.5.20 smiley


Primary 2/1

P1 Week 1 27.4.20 yes

P2 Week 1 27.4.20 yes

P1 Week 2 4.5.20 smiley

P2 Week 2 4.5.20 smiley


Primary 2

P2 Week 1 27.4.20 yes

P2 Week 2 4.5.20 smiley


Primary 3

P3 Week 1 27.4.20 yes

P3 Week 2 4.5.20 smiley


Primary 4/3

P3 Week 1 27.4.20 yes

P4 Week 1 27.4.20 yes

P3 Week 2 4.5.20 smiley

P4 Week 2 4.5.20 smiley


Primary 4

P4 Week 1 27.4.20 yes

P4 Week 2 4.5.20 smiley


Primary 5

P5 Week 1 27.4.20 yes

P5 Week 2 4.5.20 smiley


Primary 6

P6 Week 1 27.4.20 yes

P6 Week 2 4.5.20 smiley


Primary 7

P7 Week 1 27.4.20 yes

P7 Week 2 4.5.20 smiley



Week 1 27.4.20 yes

Week 2 4.5.20 smiley



Week 1 27.4.20 yes

Week 2 4.5.20 smiley



Week 2 Early level 4.5.20 smiley

Week 2 First level 4.5.20 smiley

Week 2 Second level 4.5.20 smiley



Week 1 Early Level challenges 27.4.20 yes

Week 1 First Level challenges 27.4.20 yes

Week 1 Second Level challenges 27.4.20 yes

Week 2 Early Level challenges 4.5.20 smiley

Week 2 First Level challenges 4.5.20 smiley

Week 2 Second Level challenges 4.5.20 smiley